IoT and Cloud Platform


Limesoft Cloud Solutions

Web Solutions for universal data monitoring and analyses

Limesoft can build a custom web-based solution for large organizations and government entities, to gather data from multiple locations for consolidated data storage, monitoring and analyzes.

The data from each location can be received from and IoT device or Data Acquisition System (DAS) that will record data locally and then transmit to the Cloud Server over the Ethernet or GPRS/3G/4G networks. If necessary, a two-way communication can be provided to control station hardware remotely.

Limesoft IoT and Cloud software shows all monitoring stations on a Google map. A color indication and icon size can be used to discover stations based on certain criteria, such as limit violation, production volume, contamination level, etc.

Data Organisation

  • All data is grouped by areas that can represent geographical regions.
  • Each area defines multiple facilities that denote sites that are being monitored.
  • Each facility can have one or many stations that are the sources of data.
  • Areas, facilities and stations can be added, edited and deleted by users.

  • Users can be created with specific rights and privilegies 
  • Collected data is transmit from an individual station to the cloud server.

  • The cloud server is able to manage 100+ sources and store millions of data points

Station Dashboard

Station Dashboard allows adding different widget windows to visualize data.

  • Variable Trend Chart window is used to see measured values and averages
  • Recent Data Values show the most recent data point or average
  • Station Control Status widget window shows various information, such as hardware maintenance, errors, limit violations or station offline events.

Dashboard allows customization and has ability to define special widget window types.

  • Window Rose window can be used to show wind speed and direction data if the web portal is used for ambient air monitoring.
  • Calibration window is used to see component calibration drifts results for systems that require quality control data to be recorded, ex. CEMS or environmental software.


Reports can be configured depending on specific project requirements. Several reports that are used for environmental monitoring are described below. 

Component Data report shows:

  • measured or averaged data values for a single component
  • data quality and value limit violation markers
  • summary information for all events that affected the data quality
  • minimum, maximum, average, number of points, data availability, etc.

Multi-Component Data reports allow selecting and viewing measured and averaged data values for a single station, or to compare variable values across different stations.

Annual Summary report can show tones per month and tones per year mass emission summary.

Calibration Single Point report shows a summary of Zero and Span calibration results for a single component

Last Calibration report shows the calibration results of all station’s calibrated components.