Data Analytics And Reporting
What is LiMeDAS
LiMeDAS stands for Live Measurement Data Acquisition System. It is a robust solution that can be used to monitor, analyze and report data for various industrial applications such as Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMS), Predictive Emissions Monitoring (PEMS) , Ambient Air Quality (AQMS), water quality, instrument alarms predictive maintenance, and more.
Our customers include facilities from various sectors such as power generation, oil and gas, cement, chemicals, mining, metallurgy, pulp and paper, and manufacturing.
LiMeDAS was designed from the ground up using the latest software engineering methodologies and based on feedback from operating engineers and plant managers. It has a flexible, intuitive, and fully customizable user interface. From basic alarming to complex regulatory reporting, we got you covered!

Data Collection
LiMeDAS does not require a Data Logger or Data Historian to work. It can request instantaneous and historical data using a known protocol or SDK, such as OSIsoft PI AF SDK, or directly read data from the SQL database, such as SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite or SQL Compact.
Any relational databases can be interfaced as long as the database schema information is available and open.
A single LiMeDAS application can manage data from several facilities each having multiple data sources such as smoke stack, fire alarm sensor, air quality station, and more. Various applications and configurations are supported.
For Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMS) applications, LiMeDAS can process environmental CEMS data from dedicated and time shared analyzers, as well as single and dual-range sensors.
LiMeDAS is certified under MCERTS in the environmental data management software category, to ensure the regulation conformity and highest level of quality control.
The application provides an open platform that helps you avoid vendor lock-in. Changes and updates can be made quickly to reduce downtime.
Security is integrated in LiMeDAS using Microsoft Windows features and capabilities. The application relies on the Operating System to manage users and user groups, encrypt usernames and passwords, login and logout users. Electronic operator logbook keeps a track of logged in users and changes made to the system.
Various computer hardware can be used to run LiMeDAS. For simple projects that only require a single computer, the application can be installed on a desktop workstation PC. When several client workstations need to access the LiMeDAS server, the server can be deployed on a desktop or rack server. Depending on the application, industrial touch screen computers can be used as well, such as standard or C1D2 and Atex certified hardware.
Our platform can be integrated with unique hardware from various manufacturers, and can provide you with a lot of value regardless of whether it’s a brand-new installation or a system retrofit.

Data Analysis
LiMeDAS can perform calculations and data reduction (such as block and rolling averages), normalization to standard conditions, rule-based data validation, operating time and availability determination, exceedance limit value (ELV) tracking, bias values and calibration function adjustments, uncertainty and validated average calculation, automatic data substitution, alarming and diagnostics.
All calculations are performed as needed in real time from the raw analog and digital values for trending and reporting purposes. That means that if you catch an error in your formula, you do not need to call your vendor to manually edit the historical data to reflect the change.
Many reports are available to help with data analysis. Data and event reports, classification and value frequency distribution, audit log, value substitution, parameter summary and configuration reports are just a few examples among others. Reports can be exported to PDF, Excel, and Word.
The database can be backed up to either local or remote media. Tasks such daily or weekly report generation, printing, and backup can be scheduled to be performed automatically by the system.

User Interface
LiMeDAS user interface can be customized by operators to suit their specific requirements. The application has a configurable dashboard that can host different widget windows, such as data tables, trend chart and histograms, event and calibration status windows, process flow diagram, and others. Fonts, colors, data layout and arrangement can be customized when needed.
A standalone Message Window shows the list of recent alarms that can be acknowledged with ability to specify a reason, action and comment. The Change Log window shows the record to all changes in the system, data backfilling, alarm acknowledgements, and custom operator log messages.
LiMeDAS features a powerful reporting engine. Different reports are available and can be added depending on the project and application. For example, for environmental monitoring, reports such as pollutant concentration averages, availability, exceedances, alarms, event, calibration, configuration, and annual emissions summary are available.
The user interface features a multilingual support, with ability to switch between languages in real-time.